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Record ID: 8d955ca6-0a6b-4f31-af04-fe721e06343c
Type: Report
Title: Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) annual national performance report 2004-05
Authors: produced by the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program, National Coordination and Development Committee
Keywords: Housing
Year: 2006
Publisher: Dept. of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Notes:  General Overview: The Supported Accommodation Assistance Program is the joint Federal, State and Territory Government response to homelessness in Australia. This report outlines the main features of the SAAP and evaluates its performance over five years.

Discussion: The report defines homelessness and identifies the factors that lead to homelessness and the population groups that are more vulnerable to homelessness. It outlines SAAP IV, the fourth five year agreement between the Australian Government and the State and Territory Governments. Good practice examples from each State and Territory are included. The performance of SAAP IV is measured against the agreed national outcomes. The results of a client satisfaction survey are reported. The National Research Program conducted 26 projects, which helped to improve SAAP’s capacity to meet the needs of its clients.

The report includes tables containing information about average duration of support periods, average number of support periods per client, the age, sex and cultural group of clients, and the main reason for SAAP support. Domestic violence was the most frequent reason for seeking assistance during each year from 2001-01 to 2004-05.
Physical description: viii, 76 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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