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Record ID: 7d8265c3-7209-40dd-b068-1131a2bc19cb
Type: Report
Title: Violence in the family
Authors: Queensland Government Statisticians Office
Keywords: Criminal justice responses;Legal issues
Year: 1998
Publisher: Queensland Government Statisticians Office
Notes:  Australian overview of current and recent information available regarding violence in the family in the state of Queensland. Sources drawn from include police statistics, crime victims QLD 1991 surveys, ABS Women’s Safety Australia 1996, Court statistics and the Department of Families, Youth and Community Care (FYCC) domestic violence data. Looks at several categories of violence including murder, assault and sexual assault examining the likelihood of these occurring in a family situation and gender relationship. Discusses trends for reporting to police (and other characteristics) and protection orders.
Physical description: 4p
Appears in Collections:Reports

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