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Record ID: 07367547-7d2c-4ed5-add8-0daa65b69042
Web resource:$File/4906055003_2005.pdf
Type: Report
Title: Personal safety survey: user guide : Australia, 2005
Authors: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Keywords: Measurement;Psychological abuse;Sexual assault;Stalking;Statistics
Categories: Statistics
Year: 2006
Publisher: Commonwealth of Australia : Canberra
Notes:  ABS Catalogue No. 4906.0.55.003
See Also Personal safety survey : 2005 in Research and Resources Database
This is the User Guide to interpret the Australian Personal Safety Survey (PSS) results. The PSS was conducted during August to December 2005 to provide information on people’s safety at home and in the community. This User Guide covers information on what information was collected, how it was collected and how the information was used to give the final estimates. It includes 5 chapters: survey content; survey methodology; data processing; data quality and interpretations of results; and dissemination. The information collected is: physical and sexual violence; partner violence; stalking; general safety and harassment; experience of emotional abuse; experience of child abuse; and socio-demographic information. Appendix 1 gives a list of the data items and Appendix 2 sets out the comparisons between the PSS and the WSS (Women’s Safety Survey 1996) data items. Technical notes on standard errors on survey estimates are included at the end.
Physical description: 60 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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