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Record ID: af077d78-dedc-4888-8a0e-82075407f905
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Type: Report
Title: Contact order or control order : providing formal advocacy to women who continue to be victims of violence through the Family Court process
Authors: Brisbane Domestic Violence Advocacy Service
Keywords: Family law;Protection orders;Advocacy
Year: 2005
Publisher: Brisbane Domestic Violence Advocacy Service
Notes:  This paper describes the experiences of women that the Brisbane Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (BDVAS) has worked with, and the experiences of the advocate workers who give court support to women going through the family court system. Some of the issues discussed include: issues of control; re-victimisation and re-traumatisation; how court orders perpetuate risk for women and children; how to respond to victims of domestic violence going through the family court process; and how to provide formal advocacy or outreach services.
Physical description: 8p
Appears in Collections:Reports

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