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Record ID: d565e058-1899-4655-a2f4-5e15cb6dd87d
Type: Report
Title: Young people's views on designing effective websites : learnings from
Authors: Shrimpton, Bradley
McKenzie, Mandy
Keywords: Client resources;Community education;Impact on children and young people;Peer education
Year: 2005
Publisher: Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre
Notes:  See also Bursting the bubble [website]:in the Research and Resources database

See also the external evaluation report Young people’s views on developing effective websites learnings from Bursting the the Research and Resources database
This reports on young people’s views on designing effective websites based on the design, implementation and evaluation of the Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre’s website, Bursting the Bubble (, which was developed for young people living in violent or abusive home environments. The site is interactive and includes quizzes, checklists, personal stories and a feedback form. The evaluation shows that the website is well-received by the target audience, and gives guidance for future publications. Young people discussed the need to make contents interactive, easily readable, and to illustrate ideas with pictures and real stories. They suggested that websites dedicated to providing information on health and personal issues need to include details of how young people can help and support friends; and need to include a focus on peers and friends when promoting websites. Privacy and reassurance statements are important on websites and information on how to remove visited URLs from web browsers, as well as print alternatives of web-based information to young people, is also important.
Physical description: 32 p
Appears in Collections:Reports

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