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Record ID: e3da92d9-2e44-4fec-a29e-cb15d91c1c3c
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Type: Report
Title: Domestic violence in the workplace : incidents study
Authors: Lee, John
Keywords: Homicide;Prevention;Workplaces;Statistics
Year: 2004
Publisher: Peace at Work, [Raleigh
Notes:  Presents a study of 155 cases of domestic violence that have occurred in the workplace in the US, UK and Canada between February 1986 and November 2004. Cases were obtained mainly through media reports as well as from court cases and law enforcement reports. Results show a total of 135 people killed in the incidents presented, i.e. 63% of workplace assaults ending in at least one homicide, usually the victim of abuse. Extensive use is made of charts and graphs to illustrate such factors as number of deaths per incident, location and time of attack, type of weapon used and whether a Trespass Restriction Order (TRO) had been taken out against the perpetrator. Concludes with a list of useful resources and links as well as recommendations to employers designed to prevent such occurrences.
Physical description: 14 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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