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Record ID: 8247d899-f439-4a55-81b0-19957e89e684
Type: Report
Title: Evaluation of perpetrator programs for mandated and voluntary participants in Western Australia
Authors: Downie, Rick
Cant, Rosemary
Keywords: Interagency work;Perpetrators;Perpetrator programs;Standards
Year: 2004
Publisher: Family and Domestic Violence Unit, [Perth
Notes:  "This evaluation was funded by the Australian Government under the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence strategy. The research was commissioned by the Family and Domestic Violence Unit"
Presents the methodology and findings of a study aimed at reviewing existing literature pertaining to the evaluation of perpetrator programmes, exploring the evaluation tools used in these studies and developing a profile of the perpetrator programmes conducted by Centrecare and Relationships Australia in the Perth metropolitan area. Data drawn from the profiles are then analysed in order to assess the relative effectiveness of perpetrator programmes operating in metropolitan Western Australia and recommendations as to the key evaluation and data tools needed to evaluate perpetrator programmes are made. Concludes that a collaborative approach that coordinates the delivery of services to perpetrators and victims is essential to the success of existing and future programmes.
ISBN: 9780730758136
Physical description: 64 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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