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Record ID: c9a20fd5-fc07-4f49-8813-08a2e0231a6f
Type: Report
Title: The Community Group Program five year progress report 1999-2003
Authors: Community Group Program
Keywords: Interagency work;Community education;Early intervention;Prevention
Year: 2004
Publisher: Royal Children's Hospital Mental Health Service
Notes:  "Create" on front cover and "Evaluate" on reverse front cover
Provides a background to, description of and evaluation of the Community Group Program, a multidisciplinary programme aimed at establishing a joint mental health and Department of Education school-based group work intervention treatment model. The report adopts the complementary themes of ‘create’ and ‘evaluate’ to illustrate the ongoing and consultative nature of the programme and its development. The first section, ‘evaluate’, outlines the specific goals and achievements of the programme and identifies the various methodological tools used to conduct the evaluation. The second section, ‘create’, presents a more detailed overview of the programmes developed and how they have evolved over the past five years. Individual case studies are used to illustrate the programme’s effectiveness and it’s critical role in the community.
Physical description: 32 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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