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Record ID: e8c025a5-a1bd-455e-9ac7-0d50d3bc93a7
Type: Report
Title: True words real life : a study of the social and emotional wellbeing of young people in the Kimberley
Authors: Ralph, Naomi
Murray, Richard
Hamaguchi, Kathy
Keywords: Indigenous issues;Impact on children and young people;Mental health;Regional rural and remote areas
Year: 2003
Publisher: Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Inc.
Notes:  "Plain Language Report on the Preliminary Findings"
Presents, in plain English, the aims, methodology and findings of a research project undertaken in the Kimberley region of Western Australia to explore trauma experienced by young people and its relationship to self-harming behaviours and other social/emotional problems. The background to the project and key questions raised by previous research are outlined and comparisons are drawn between the experiences of young people in different regions of the Kimberley and between the experiences of younger and older generations. The need for existing services and programmes for Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth to be evaluated is highlighted and it is suggested that future initiatives place greater emphasis on the needs of young women.
Physical description: 36 p. : ill.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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