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Record ID: c9db07d2-997e-4cc8-b97a-773c68f3dbac
Type: Report
Title: A qualitative assessment of outcome measures utilized by programs for children in violent settings
Authors: Kuehnle, Kathryn
Coulter, Martha L
Samanic, Claudine
Menezes, Lynette
Keywords: Measurement
Year: 2000
Publisher: Children's Board of Hillsborough County
Notes:  Prepared by the James and Jennifer Harrell Centre for the Study of Violence in Florida USA, this report provides a summary of classification and assessment of outcome measures used by programs for children exposed to domestic/family violence. An overview of research into the impact of family violence on children, the development of programs responding to this issue and the ways in which outcomes have and can be measured is presented before the specific outcome measures used by a wide range of programs, such as emergency shelters, prevention and residential treatment programs, is described. An analysis of these findings is then conducted and a series of recommendations are made.
Physical description: 44 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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