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Record ID: af152e03-4790-458f-a26a-22669f875684
Type: Report
Title: The women and poverty report : 'more than half - less than equal'
Authors: Colvin, Kate
Keywords: Welfare
Year: 2001
Publisher: VCOSS
Notes:  "This document reports on the Women and Poverty Forum, a collective project of Victorian Council of Social Service, the Council of Single Mothers and Their Children and YWCA Victoria"--Preface.
This document reports on the Women and Poverty Forum held on April 2001 in Victoria. Presentations and workshop discussions were conducted on thirteen topics including social security, income inadequacy, childcare and migrant women. In relation to family violence and poverty, the participants addressed the issues faced by women who experience domestic violence when leaving the abusive relationship. The recommendations are to increase the availability of affordable housing and childcare; to develop culturally appropriate crisis accommodation; and to ensure appropriate representation of women in Family Court proceedings. Legislative reforms to release women from their partner’s debt and community education and prevention programmes are also suggested.
ISBN: 9781876046088
Physical description: 56 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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