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Record ID: cb44557a-5ad1-4772-af61-85464ab4df0b
Type: Report
Title: Women, housing and transitions out of homelessness : stage 2 report
Authors: Heffernan, Maree
Greenhalgh, Emma
Adkins, Barbara
Jerome, Kristine Peta
Minnery, John
Keywords: Housing
Year: 2003
Publisher: AHURI
Notes:  "a report for The Commonwealth Office of the Status of Women"
See also "Women, housing and transitions out of homelessness : final report"
Reports on the second stage of the project ‘Women, Housing and Transitions Out of Homelessness’, which focuses on women’s homelessness and the diverse services that deal with it. The Australian project addresses the housing and support services utilised by homeless women; the influence of such assistance on women’s transition out of homelessness; and the role of housing provision and related services in the forementioned transition. A comprehensive literature review of national and international (Canada, England, New Zealand and USA) approaches on policy, legislation, innovative practice, homeless people, homeless women and services is presented.
Physical description: 85 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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