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Record ID: dd9489f7-a7c1-4830-854e-a1a2733c52db
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Type: Report
Title: Suicide and risk-taking deaths of children and young people : report
Authors: written by Dr Melissa Sankey
Keywords: Health;Risk factors;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2003
Publisher: NSW Commission for Children and Young People
Notes:  See the Research and Resources database for briefing sheets produced from data in this report: 'Overall profile of suicide and risk-taking deaths 1996-2000', 'Children and young people with enduring difficulties', 'Children and young people who died as a result of adolescent experimentation', and 'Children and young people who experienced a pivotal life event'.
The executive summary on its own may be downloaded in PDF format from:
Study undertaken by the Child Death Review Team (CDRT) which examined all deaths by suicide and risk-taking behaviour of 12-17 year olds in New South Wales between January 1996 and December 2000. The CDRT reviewed case files of 187 children and young people who died during this period. The report refers to family dysfunction including domestic violence as a significant risk factor underlying the likelihood of suicide. A number of case studies highlight the existence of domestic violence. The report contends that the suicide death of those who experienced enduring family dysfunction took place in a context of extreme sadness and hopelessness whilst risk-taking deaths occurred while the young people were engaging in substance use and criminal activity as a temporary escape from their traumatic family lives. Recommends that the NSW Suicide Prevention Strategy: We Can All Make A Difference, be reviewed in light of the findings from this study.
ISBN: 9780734771131
Physical description: 143 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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