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Record ID: c0fa53b1-772d-4ee4-af69-d959f8c73914
Type: Report
Title: Domestic violence portfolio report
Authors: Noarlunga Health Services
Keywords: Health;Interagency work
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Year: 2002
Publisher: Noarlunga Health Services
Notes:  On cover "(BM) Bhavanamurti Saraswati, Noarlunga Health Services, 26 May 2002"
This report outlines the work that has been and is being undertaken by Noarlunga Health Services (NHS) across the Onkaparinga region of South Australia. In order to prevent and address the impact of domestic and family violence, partnerships with government and non-government agencies and the community have been developed and encouraged. NHS assists people who endure violence and abuse and people who engage in such conduct – men, women and children. The special needs of particular groups are acknowledged, in particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender communities; and people with mental disabilities. A number of recommendations to improve the delivery of the service are suggested.
Contents:  Executive Summary
Strengthening and Developing Systems
Supporting people who are subjected to violence and abuse
People who use violence and abuse
Children and young people
Specific communities
Appendices summary
Appendix I: Noarlunga Health Services Community and Health Division Strategic Plan
Appendix II: Current Key Partners
Appendix III: Overview of Draft State Domestic Violence Prevention Plan
Appendix IV: Rekindling Family Relationships, A Framework for Action
Appendix V: The Onkaparinga Collaborative Approach to the Prevention of Domestic Violence Working Paper
Physical description: 30 p., appendices I-V
Appears in Collections:Reports

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