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Record ID: c831754d-60e5-44d7-a1f2-c05deb8bd01a
Type: Report
Title: Grief, shame and pride : a study of the impact of family violence and the strengths of the Ceduna community to act against it
Authors: Weena Mooga Gu Goodba
Keywords: Community development;Indigenous issues;Community attitudes
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Year: 2002
Publisher: Weena Mooga Gu Gudba Inc., Ceduna
Notes:  "The research was undertaken for Weena Mooga Gu Gudba by : The South Australian Centre for Rural and Remote Health; the University of South Australia"
This study was an initiative of the Ceduna Aboriginal community to understand the phenomenon of family violence. The design of strategies that strengthen family relationships and reduce family violence was also intended. It is a community-wide report that involves men, women, young people, stakeholders, and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal participants. A literature review of the definition, causes and impacts of family violence, and the strengths and responses of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, is presented. The underlying premise of the research was that any action to deal with family violence issues must be community-owned, -driven and -supported. The results were primarily divided in community views about family violence, a new understanding, a holistic model of response and new service responses. Finally, nineteen shared recommendations are made.
ISBN: 9780868039312
Physical description: 68 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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