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Record ID: 2661c470-23c0-4f18-96d2-71558b7a454a
Type: Report
Title: The law in Australia : a community education project for women of non-English speaking backgrounds
Authors: Women's Legal Centre (ACT & Region) Inc
Keywords: CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Community education;Legal issues
Year: 2002
Publisher: Women's Legal Centre (ACT & Region) Inc.
Notes:  Outlines the findings of a community legal education project conducted in the ACT aimed at raising awareness, amongst non-English speaking communities, of the Australian legal system. Particular emphasis was placed on domestic violence and family law areas and training community members to act as Bilingual Community Educators, capable of conducting education sessions in their first languages. A background to the project and a summary of its aims and rationale are provided and the results of the project evaluation presented. One of the major difficulties encountered was the tendency for trainees to lack the time, resources and/or motivation to conduct the education sessions themselves. Accuracy of translation, currency and comprehensive coverage of information were also identified as key issues. Concludes that while the project was largely successful, resources might have been better directed towards training those who work with and/or are active within non-English speaking communities, rather than community members themselves.
Physical description: 44 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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