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Record ID: 41771ad0-f510-4076-9233-6d07a06d6996
Type: Report
Title: Healing our families : the story of Apunipima's family violence advocacy project. Part Four
Authors: Myles, Helen
Naden, Daphne
Keywords: Theories of violence;Indigenous issues
Year: 2002
Publisher: Commonwealth of Australia : Canberra
Notes:  "Produced with the support of Partnerships Against Domestic Violence, a Commonwealth Government Initiative"
The last in a series of four reports, this paper provides a background to and overview of the Apunipima Family Violence Advocacy Project, a programme aimed at addressing family violence in Cape York Indigenous communities. The general and specific rationale for the project is outlined, as are the theoretical underpinnings and principles of practice that guided its development. A description of the project, activities undertaken and the various achievements and challenges faced is provided and some of the major findings and directions for future project development reviewed. The report concludes with an overall evaluation of the project’s performance.
ISBN: 9781877042133
Physical description: 34 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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