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Record ID: ef21154f-595d-47d8-a332-9ada723a3edc
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Type: Report
Title: The effectiveness of restorative justice practices : a meta-analysis
Authors: Latimer, Jeff
Muise, Danielle
Dowden, Craig
Keywords: Restorative justice
Year: 2001
Publisher: Dept. of Justice Canada
Notes:  The first in a series of reports addressing justice related policy research questions in the Canadian context, this study attempts to assess the effectiveness of restorative justice practices as a response to criminal behaviour through collating and examining the research in this area to date. An introduction to the various definitions, models and processes of restorative justice is provided and the literature review, data collection and data analysis processes undertaken by the authors are discussed in detail as is their respective findings. Concludes that restorative justice methods are more successful overall at achieving their goals of improving victim/offender satisfaction with services and treatment, increasing offender compliance with restitution and decreasing recidivism than other methods, though the limitations of the study, such as the self selection bias found in the controlled outcome studies, are noted. Recommendations for further research and evaluation are also presented.
Physical description: iv, 28, 28, iv p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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