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Record ID: 3cd0aa50-8233-49f3-be5c-9129c1af0f33
Type: Report
Title: Central violence intervention program : information bulletin #3 : data for the period 1 July 2001 - 30 June 2002
Authors: Central Violence Intervention Program
Keywords: Perpetrators;Interagency work;Criminal justice responses
Year: 2002
Publisher: Central Violence Intervention Program
Notes:  For more information see "Central Violence Intervention Program" in our Good Practice database.
The Central Violence Intervention Program (CVIP) is an interagency initiative aimed at reducing domestic violence. It is based on an integrated and coordinated interagency approach incorporating a criminal justice response. Provides data on programme participants (men, women and children) and the operation of the programme from July 2001 to June 2002. Highlights emerging trends and issues.
Contents:  Ch.1: Introduction
Ch.2: Information bulletin
Ch.3: Male participants
Ch.4: Female participants
Ch.5: Children
Ch.6: Program notes.
Physical description: 22 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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