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Record ID: dfd4bd18-4236-4fa0-b3e5-2c45e25679e4
Type: Report
Title: Review of services to victims of crime : Department of Justice report
Authors: Victoria
Keywords: Service provision;Policy;Interagency work
Year: 2002
Publisher: Department of Justice, Victoria : Melbourne
Notes:  Reviews the range of services available to victims of crime in Victoria and finds service delivery to be fragmented and poorly coordinated, particularly in rural and regional Victoria and for victims of certain types of crime, such as stalking or unreported crime. The outcomes of this overall lack of coordination include: inconsistent service standards; a lack of standard referral protocols between service providers; differing approaches to service providers’ accreditation (especially in counselling services); a lack in coordinated research into the most effective responses to meeting victims’ needs; and a general lack of evaluation of the effectiveness of services and of accountability for ensuring the best client outcomes.
Contents:  Bibliography
Membership of the working party
Overview of government funded agencies and programs providing services to victims of crime
Submissions received and placed on website (excluding confidential submissions)
Listing of presentations and regional visits
Persons interviewed during the course of the review
New integrated framework for services to victims of crime.
Table of contents
Ch. 1: Introduction and executive summary
Ch. 2: Summary of recommendations
Ch. 3: Methodology of the review
Ch. 4: Victims and crimes
Ch. 5: Current service provision in Victoria
Ch. 6: The issues: an overview
Ch. 7: New directions
Physical description: iv, 73 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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