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Record ID: 127cbd84-cac6-4f0d-b46a-815f8292698e
Type: Report
Title: Changing attitudes : rural responses to women and domestic violence
Authors: Lovell, Jean
Keywords: Regional rural and remote areas
Year: 1996
Publisher: [Murray Mallee Community Health Service]
Notes:  "This report is the result of a joint project by the Murray Mallee Women's Health Team and the Women's Health Service for the Adelaide Hills and Southern Fleurieu"--Preamble
Report makes recommendations to improve the level of service delivery to women experiencing domestic violence in rural communities. These include better data collection systems, development of service provider training programmes, long-term funding for domestic violence services and better collaboration between services. Two women’s stories are used to illustrate the practical and attitudinal barriers faced by rural women. Women’s health, shelters and outreach services were identified as being instrumental in offering support throughout the process of leaving. Acknowledges that whilst there has been an improvement in the level of knowledge about domestic violence, this has not been translated into improved service delivery responses. Describes different approaches to responding to domestic violence, and emphasises that changing attitudes to improve service delivery requires a collaborative approach across services, especially those involving the criminal justice system.
Physical description: 53 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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