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Record ID: 2d949a6d-6508-4f42-befc-fc645e9d70a9
Type: Report
Title: Evaluation of the Fax-Back Project : Logan River Valley integrated community response to domestic violence group
Authors: Elliott, Anne
Keywords: Interagency work;Policing
Year: 2002
Publisher: WAVSS Working Against Violence Support Services
Notes:  For more information see "Logan River Valley Integrated Community Response to Domestic Violence Group Fax-Back Project (QLD)" on our Good Practice database.
Report presents an evaluation of the Logan River Valley Integrated Community Response (ICR) Fax- Back project. The fax-back project began as a pilot project in 1999 and has received yearly funding since that time. The fax back project, a joint initiative between the Logan District Police Service and the Working Against Violence Support Service (WAVSS), involves police discussing the availability of support services to the Aggrieved Person (usually the woman) when they attend an incident involving domestic violence. If women consent to being contacted, police fax their details to WAVSS who will then make contact with the woman and discuss follow-up options. The evaluation incorporated a number of strategies including telephone surveys with women who consented to being contacted, surveys with police, structured interviews with key service providers, ICR members, WAVSS personnel and key Queensland Police Service (QPS) officers. Difficulties were encountered in retrieving reliable statistical data from the police and local courts data systems. Evaluation recommends that the Fax Back project be funded as an ongoing programme and that sustainable funding be sought. Results indicate an increase in women’s access to support services with the majority of women stating their issues had been treated seriously and they had received a supportive response. Whilst results indicate an increase in coordination between relevant agencies, some barriers still exist with regard to the effective implementation of the programme. These include negative police attitudes concerning offering supports to women who are still in an ongoing domestic violence relationship and limitations of current hours for providing a crisis response.
ISBN: 9780958064101
Physical description: 106 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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