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Record ID: c49fa066-44ba-4e26-817f-8ac0606a7d6a
Type: Report
Title: Parent abuse : the abuse of parents by their teenage children
Authors: Cottrell, Barbara
Keywords: Counselling;Parenting;Adolescent violence towards parents
Year: 2001
Publisher: Family Violence Prevention Unit, Health Canada
Notes:  Issued also in French under title: Violence ? l'?gard des parents, les mauvais traitements inflig?s aux parents par leurs adolescents.
Report which looks at the abuse of parents by their teenage children, or parent abuse. It defines parent abuse, asks who are the likely abusers and victims, and looks at the effects on the family. Presents an overview of the dynamics of abuse. In the context of the question of why the abuse is happening looks at family dynamics, the role of schools, drugs and alcohol, mental health and medical issues, and historical changes in parenting practice. Discusses suggestions and advice for ending the abuse and healing the relationship. These include talking about the abuse, counselling and therapy, support groups, mediation, and involving the police.
ISBN: 9780662295297
Physical description: vi, 49 p. ; 28 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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