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Record ID: ea7e4304-168b-4915-9492-e9d0514990cd
Type: Report
Title: Position paper on programs for perpetrators of domestic violence
Authors: prepared for NSW Council on Violence Against Women
Keywords: Perpetrator programs;Perpetrators;Policy
Year: 1999
Publisher: Violence Against Women Specialist Unit, Crime Prevention Division, NSW Attorney General's Dept
Notes:  "For the Attorney General, the Hon. J.W. Shaw and the Minister for Women, Hon. F. Lo Po'" - cover
Provides a summary of the position of the Council On Violence Against Women and advice to assist the NSW Government in developing perpetrator programmes. Argues for a holistic approach to programmes for perpetrators who commit acts of violence against women. States that the Council supports the development of mandatory programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence in NSW. Recommends a framework for the development of all programmes that includes: the adherence to the over-arching principles recommended by the council to inform the development of programmes; compliance with minimum standards that can be applied to programmes; monitoring of programmes to determine adherence to the minimum standards; and operational guidelines developed by service providers in accordance with the overarching principles and minimum standards.
ISBN: 9780734767004
Physical description: 20 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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