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Record ID: e0c79006-24e8-4212-bf25-e7bf6462932b
Type: Report
Title: VIP guide : vision and professionalism in policing violence against women
Authors: Kelly, Liz
Berzina, Ilze
Austad, Jan
MacFarlane, Heather
Mema, Majlinda
Gortzen, Helene
Keywords: Risk assessment;Training;Policing
Year: 2000
Publisher: Council of Europe
Notes:  Consists of three parts: 1) About the VIP Guide, 2) Job Aids and Good Practice, and 3) Tips and tools for trainers.
The VIP guide is an interactive tool designed for police officers to raise their awareness about issues concerning violence against women and children. Provides information about rape and sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, child sexual abuse, trafficking, honour killings and sexual harassment. Part 2 contains tools to assist police in dealing with violence against women. These include a risk assessment and safety planning tool, tips for starting and maintaining interagency work and a collection of ‘job aids’ that are specific for police managers. Part 3 contains material that can be used in delivering professional development opportunities about violence against women. The format includes information, discussion questions and possible assignment activities.
Physical description: 143 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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