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Record ID: 09cf84a8-4d2e-4100-afb3-aa506e605cd2
Type: Report
Title: Family violence crisis / protection framework : discussion paper
Authors: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse
Keywords: Policy
Year: 2000
Publisher: Dept. of Human Services
Notes:  Provides a framework for future action and directions in the delivery of crisis/protection services to women and children experiencing family violence, specifically those services funded by the Victorian Department of Human Services. The first in a series of three, the document is arranged in three sections. The Introduction provides a definition of family violence and presents the background to and core themes of the discussion paper. The Framework section sets out the four key principles guiding the proposed directions in service delivery and what those directions. The Resources and Implementation section details how the model described will be put into practice. Argues the ‘ideal’ service response must possess characteristics of visibility, availability, quality, responsiveness, support and accommodation, and outlines the strategies and practicalities involved with achieving this vision.
Physical description: 20 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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