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Record ID: d6f4e859-f72a-430d-beb7-d4257cd3bc0a
Type: Report
Title: Key directions in women's safety : a co-ordinated approach to reducing violence against women
Authors: prepared by the Office of Women's Policy, Department of Premier and Cabinet, under the guidance and direction of the Women's Safety Co-ordinating Committee
Keywords: Health;Screening
Year: 2001
Publisher: Office of Women's Policy
Notes:  "Valuing Victoria's Women" cover
Public consultation document released as part of the process to develop the Victorian Women's Safety Strategy. Outlines the Victorian Government's proposed key directions to reduce the level, and fear, of violence against women and calls for community comment. Emphasises the importance of working together and operating from a shared understanding of violence against women. Lists ten principles which will guide the Government's future actions and identifies the four key areas which have been identified for action: protection and justice; options for women; preventing violence; and community action and collaboration. For each key area, a number of key directions are identified.
ISBN: 9780731114436
Physical description: 61 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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