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Record ID: f0a7b1c2-d6cd-4dea-a903-f81815de6afd
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Type: Report
Title: Legal interventions in family violence : research findings and policy implications
Authors: A project of the American Bar Association's Criminal Justice Section, Commission on Domestic Violence, Center on Children and the Law, and Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly presented to the National Institute of Justice
Keywords: Criminal justice responses;Impact on children and young people;Older people;Statistics;Legal issues;Perpetrators
Topic: Policing and legal responses
Year: 1998
Publisher: Office of Justice Programs, Washington
Notes:  Summarises a range of studies conducted in the U.S. in relation to criminal justice responses to family violence. Under each topic area the purpose, methodology, findings and policy implications of the research are outlined. Topics are divided into three broad areas of study.

Part One reviews research on legal interventions into child maltreatment cases, including the emotional impact of testifying in court, the use of alternative techniques in evidence gathering and prosecution procedures, the sentencing of child sexual and physical abuse offenders and the impact of witnessing domestic violence on children.

Part Two summarises the research on legal interventions in elder abuse cases, focusing on the need for coordination and collaboration between relevant agencies, law enforcement and the courts.

Part Three reviews the research on legal interventions in domestic violence cases, including victim and offender typology research, the effectiveness of civil protection or restraining orders, recidivism rates, the impact of arrest and mandatory prosecution, trends in prosecution and defence, corporate responses to domestic violence and the success of various court-ordered treatment programmes for offenders. A listing of available statistical reports on family violence is also provided.
Physical description: viii, 78 p. ; 28 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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