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Record ID: 72cb5160-d623-4c23-9be5-2ff27d126c1a
Type: Report
Title: Impacts and costs of domestic violence on the Australian business/corporate sector : report to Lord Mayor's Women's Advisory Committee
Authors: Henderson, Monika
Keywords: Economic costs
Year: 2000
Publisher: Brisbane City Council
Notes:  Technical appendix is available as a separate (57 p.) document.
Using an annual domestic violence prevalence rate of 2.0%, this study reviews and synthesises the qualitative and quantitative costs associated with employment identified in earlier State and Territory costs of domestic violence studies and ABS data to comprehensively estimate the annual cost of domestic violence to Australian businesses and employers. Total costs included direct costs to employers, lost productivity and various other impacts on the workplace such as the impact of absenteeism on the overall company production, and indirect costs, which were calculated by looking at government’s share of the direct costs of domestic violence (i.e. medical, legal, police, prison and other service costs) paid indirectly by businesses through taxes. The overall cost of domestic violence to business was estimated at A$1.5 billion annually with an approximate cost of an individual case of domestic violence being estimated at A$10,000
Physical description: 17 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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