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Record ID: 7e8ea2cf-5b31-4519-9078-f415c230f32e
Type: Report
Title: Measuring the costs of domestic violence against women and the cost-effectiveness of intervention : an initial assessment and proposals for further research
Authors: Laurence, Louise
Spalter-Roth, Roberta M
Keywords: Economic costs
Year: 1996
Publisher: Institute for Women's Policy Research, Washington
Notes:  Paper prepared to improve knowledge about the economic costs of domestic violence in the US. Aims to develop an economic model for measuring the direct and indirect costs of domestic violence to society, and for assessing the cost-effectiveness of interventions. Reviews existing research pertinent to the estimates of direct and indirect costs of domestic violence, offers a snapshot of costs of services included in the calculation of the direct costs of domestic violence and lists examples of indirect economic costs of domestic violence that result from lost production in the workplace and in the home. Provides a model for calculation based on two approaches: an incidence-based and a prevalence-based approach. An incidence based costs estimate reflects the stream of costs associated with domestic abuse valued in terms of the year in which it starts. An annualized prevalence based cost estimate assigns the costs in the year in which they occur. The paper suggests more thorough research is needed in the areas of estimates of direct and indirect costs, and prevalence, usage and cost estimates at the community level.
Physical description: 55 p. ; 28 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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