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Record ID: 3ddeb00f-490d-4e74-8d15-8e7aff9d57b5
Type: Report
Title: Competency standards : for people who come into professional contact with those affected by domestic/family violence
Authors: prepared by Brendan Mulhall & Associates
Keywords: Standards
Year: 2000
Publisher: Australian National Training Authority
Notes:  Final draft July 2000
This document details the final draft of the National competency standards for services and professions who deal with people affected by domestic violence. It provides, for the first time, a nationally consistent benchmark for responding appropriately to clients affected by domestic violence, and identifies the skills and knowledge required to work effectively.
CHCCS4A: Manage the delivery of quality client service
Partnerships Against Domestic Violence competency standards units:
Physical description: 121 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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