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Record ID: 66c56d83-7acb-478b-b90e-3f5248ac95ca
Type: Report
Title: Moe family violence project : a review April 1999
Authors: Kristensen, Kay
Keywords: Interagency work;Community development;Policing
Year: 2000
Publisher: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Notes:  A review of the Moe Family Violence Project with implications for local priority policing
The Moe Key Stakeholders are an established co-ordinated community inter-agency. This review draws together the experiences of these social service providers who attempted through a collaborative effort to provide a co-ordinated community response to family violence in Moe.
LPP provides the vehicle for delivery of more relevant and customised police service to local communities by requiring police to focus on community problem solving rather than simply reacting to problems.
ISBN: 9780642476982
Physical description: iv, 47 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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