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Record ID: f1baab7d-1986-4ec5-9c98-645fd1429d3d
Type: Report
Title: A report on the questionnaire on violence and abuse against older women : violence is a crime at any age
Authors: Anike, Louise
Keywords: Older people
Year: 1999
Publisher: Older Women's Network, Millers Point
Notes:  "This is a project of International Year of Older Persons 1999"
Reports the findings of a pilot questionnaire distributed in New South Wales about the extent and nature of violence and abuse of older women, the ways women responded; the response and availability of services; and the women’s suggestions for change. Abusers included husbands, sons, daughters, neighbours. Concludes with directions for action, including education for both older women and the wider community. Critiques the use of the term ‘elder abuse’ and raises the rarely discussed issue of the impact of abuse by neighbours.
Physical description: 9 p. : 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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