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Record ID: eecaefc7-7b73-49d0-adb9-a72befa04606
Type: Report
Title: Second report of the taskforce 1999-2000
Authors: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Keywords: Overview
Year: 2000
Publisher: Commonwealth of Australia : Canberra
Notes:  Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (Partnerships) is a Commonwealth Government initiative, in partnerships with the states and territories, to find better ways of preventing and responding to domestic violence. This second report documents the achievements of Partnerships over the period 1999-2000, as well as describing ongoing activities and future priorities.
Contents:  Partnerships Against Domestic Violence: Background
Achievements 1999-2000: Showcasing-Information dissemination; Publications; Information and communication; Showcasing event, conferences and forums
Current activities: Working with men and young men; Working with Indigenous communities; Working with children and young people; Community awareness
ISBN: 9780642705617
Appears in Collections:Reports

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