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Record ID: 9010a748-e3b1-4cdd-abad-7a41223cd1b4
Type: Report
Title: Violence against women : a briefing document on international issues and responses
Authors: Kelly, Liz
Keywords: Overview;Statistics
Year: 1999
Publisher: The British Council
Notes:  Summarises the international context of violence against women, definitions and key concepts, the international scale of violence against women, the impact of violence on women’s lives, the connections to development, and five stages of response. Countries examined include Ghana, Britain, Canada, Northern Ireland, Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Spain, Brazil, Nicaragua, Germany, and Scotland.
Contents:  Definitions and key concepts
The scale of violence against women
Prevalence tables and statistical information
Gender violence and development
The impact of violence on women's lives
Responding to gender violence
ISBN: 9780863554063
Appears in Collections:Reports

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