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Record ID: f304982c-c4f6-4444-9116-dfcd4fddf424
Type: Report
Title: Partnerships for prevention community participation project : literature review
Authors: prepared by CultureShift
Keywords: Informal responses;Community education
Year: 2000
Publisher: CultureShift, [Hornsby
Notes:  The first reflective report of a study conducted in the ACT that sought to research how people seek help from their family, friends and neighbours when they are coping with family violence. Report includes a literature review, investigating the following questions; how non-professional, informal help supports the emotional, community and practical needs of survivors; challenges perpetrator behaviours; builds community efficacy to intervene with family violence; changes community attitudes about family violence; and contributes to ending family violence.
Contents:  1: Introduction
2: Executive summary
3: First impressions
4: Literature review
5: Project implications
6: Participation options.
Physical description: 73 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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