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Record ID: 402af744-a2f3-4fe5-af4b-f94554dc0630
Type: Report
Title: Domestic violence : a resource manual for health care professionals
Authors: Henwood, Melanie
Keywords: Health
Year: 2000
Publisher: Department of Health (UK)
Notes:  Responding to
British Department of Health document which aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of health care professionals about the nature of domestic violence. Provides a framework for health professionals to develop policies and practices for responding to actual or suspected domestic violence.
Contents:  Appendices - 1: Protection of children and vulnerable adults
2: Domestic violence and the law
3: Useful national contacts
1: Introduction
2: Domestic violence - the facts
3: Recognising domestic violence - the role of the health care professional
4: Developing a multi-agency approach
5: Education and training
Appears in Collections:Reports

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