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Record ID: 090b9ba2-a8b6-4041-8ba5-55b2cd328cf4
Type: Report
Title: The violence phenomenon faced by women in the Arabic speaking community [English] [Arabic]Anti-Violence Arabic Project
Authors: Emad, Munther
Keywords: Statistics;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse)
Year: 1999
Publisher: Australian Lebanese Welfare Group : Sydney
Notes:  This project of the Australian Lebanese Welfare Group (ALWG) is the first of its kind involving in-depth community consultation within the Arabic community and collaboration with general community service providers. The methodology took into account the sensitive nature of the issue and cultural issues. The results report the level of Arabic speaking women’s awareness of violence, responses to violence, and personal experiences of violence. Domestic violence covered emotional/verbal abuse, physical abuse, financial and social deprivation, sexual molestation and rape/attempted rape. Of the women in the sample, 27.7% had experienced emotional/verbal abuse; 17% physical abuse; 15.2% financial and social deprivation; 10.7% sexual molestation and 6.25% rape/attempted rape. The report concludes with recommendations including further studies, community education campaigns and a focus on the services (especially police and religious leaders) which women said they would turn to for help.
Contents:  1: Research methodology
2: Demographic results
3: Analysis of results
4: Discussion, Recommendations.
Physical description: 63 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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