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Record ID: 94fe7589-caeb-408e-a6ee-df1d6d944072
Type: Report
Title: Draft competency standards for people who come into professional contact with those affected by domestic/family violence : version 2 : May 2000
Authors: Prepared by Brendan Mulhall & Associates Pty Ltd
Keywords: Standards
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Year: 2000
Publisher: Australian National Training Authority
Notes:  This document details the second draft of the national competency standards for services and professions who deal with people affected by domestic violence. It provides, for the first time, a nationally consistent benchmark for responding appropriately to clients affected by domestic violence, and identifies the skills and knowledge required to work effectively.
Contents:  Introduction; Project overview; About competency standards; Competency standards framework; Revised new and customised units; Packaging and alignment to the AQF;
Draft units of competency (version 2):
CHCDFV1A: Recognise and respond to domestic/family violence
CHCDFV2A: Manage own professional development in responding to domestic/family violence
CHCDFV3A: Provide crisis intervention and support to those experiencing domestic/family violence
CHCDFV4A: Promote community awareness of domestic/family violence
CHCDFV5A: Counsel clients affected by domestic/family violence
CHCDFV6A: Provide domestic/family violence support in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
CHCDFV7A: Provide domestic/family violence support in NESB communities
CHCDFV8A: Provide support to children affected by domestic/family violence
CHCDFV9A: Work with users of violence to effect change
CHCDFV10A: Participate in, and facilitate debriefing and support processes
Customised units of competency:
CHCCS2A: Deliver and develop client service
CHCAD1A: Advocate for clients
CHCCM1A: Undertake case management
CHCCM2A: Establish and monitor a case plan
CHCGROUP2A: Support group activities
CHCGROUP3A: Plan and conduct group activities
CHCORG8A: Establish and manage new programs or services
CHCCS7A: Coordinate the assessment and delivery of services to clients with particular needs
CHCCS4A: Manage the delivery of quality client service
Appears in Collections:Reports

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