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Record ID: f00ff0c8-7242-405d-9229-b63f28c9b63d
Type: Report
Title: Best practice model for the provision of programs for victims of domestic violence in Western Australia
Authors: Domestic Violence Prevention Unit
Keywords: Standards
Year: 1999
Publisher: Domestic Violence Prevention Unit
Notes:  This Best Practice model is the first attempt in Western Australia to document the essential components of service provision for victims of family and domestic violence. It endeavours to collect and collate existing knowledge and expertise in both the community and government agencies to ensure that consistent standards of service are offered to victims.
Contents:  1: Introduction
2: Essential principles
3: Special issues
4: Varying modes of services
5: Empowerment principles
6: Safety principles
7: Intake and assessment
8: Essential criteria for service delivery
9: Relationships with other service providers
10: Qualifications, skills and experience for service providers
11: Training and professional development
12: Supervision and support
13: Evaluation
Appendices: 1: Information privacy principles
2: Guidelines for service providers regarding victim safety
3: Safety planning for victims of domestic violence
4: Guidelines for circumstances in which immediate supervision should be sought
5: Sample of an assessment tool
6: Domestic violence criminal offences.
ISBN: 9780730756255
Physical description: 44 p. ; 31 cm
Appears in Collections:Reports

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