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Record ID: a480d804-071b-4253-ba04-ec075ede0fd2
Type: Report
Title: 'How do I prove I saw his shadow?' Responses to breaches of Apprehended Violence Orders : A consultation with women and police in the Richmond Local Area Command of NSW
Authors: Kelly, Loretta
Katzen, Hayley
Keywords: Protection orders;Legal issues;Regional rural and remote areas;Criminal justice responses;Indigenous issues;Policing
Topic: Policing and legal responses
Year: 2000
Publisher: Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre, Lismore
Notes:  A systematic examination of police practices in a rural/regional area in Northern NSW. The study aimed to determine: the nature of the police responses to alleged breaches of Apprehended Violence Orders; the factors which affect the police response; and the effect of this response on protected persons. Contains a comprehensive review of the Australian and overseas literature. The methodology involved the use of a variety of data sources – interviews with indigenous and non-indigenous women, examination of police records, and focus groups and questionnaires to elicit the opinions of police officers. The interviews with the women provide a rich and detailed picture of the experiences of women seeking protection through the use of AVOs and the complexities with which they are grappling. The placement of the women’s narratives alongside the official police records is effective in providing insights which could not have been gained from reliance on only one source of data.
Contents:  Recommendations for government departments

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