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Record ID: a2594821-044b-4edf-bced-f06e1d0acdd5
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Type: Report
Title: Evaluation of the northern region prevention of violence against women strategy : evaluation report
Authors: Women’s Health In the North & the Gender, Leadership and Social Sustainability Research Unit, Monash University
Keywords: Prevention;Community education
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2013
Publisher: Women’s Health In the North, Thornbury
Notes:  Women's Health In the North (WHIN), the regional women's health service for the northern metropolitan region of Melbourne, developed a plan to prevent violence against women before it occurs; Building a Respectful Community – Preventing Violence against Women – A Strategy for the Northern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne 2011-2016:. The evaluation of this strategy has been undertaken by WHIN and Monash University's Gender, Leadership and Social Sustainability (GLASS) Research Unit and is presented in this report.

The report also contains sections entitled "Findings and Discussion", "Future Work and Directions", and "Next Steps".
Physical description: 124 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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