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Record ID: 9d48c578-5b37-49c8-9c47-4f364b77e694
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Type: Report
Title: The foundation to prevent violence against women and their children report of the national consultations
Authors: West, Roger
Scott, Margaret
Plant, Alison
Keywords: Prevention;Policy
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2013
Publisher: Foundation to Prevent Violence Against Women and their Children

"18 December 2013"
The Foundation to Prevent Violence Against Women and their Children (Foundation ) was launched in July 2013 by Commonwealth Minister for the Status of Women, the Hon Julie Collins MP, and the Victorian Minister for Community Services, the Hon Mary Wooldridge MP. The foundation is an independent, not for profit organisation whose aim is to raise awareness and engage the community in action to prevent violence against women and their children.

This document is a report of the national consultations led by Foundation chair, Natasha Stott Despoja AM, which explored the views of a range of stakeholders across Australia.
Contents:  Executive summary
What does success look like?
What works, and what doesn’t work, when it comes to primary prevention of violence against women and their children?
What individuals, organisations and communities will it be important for the Foundation to engage and why?
Appendix 1: Definitions used in workshop material
Appendix 2: Spectrum of strategies – addressing violence against women and their children
Figure 1: Workshop locations
Figure 2: One word summary
Figure 3: Four key areas of success and underpinning principles for the Foundation
Table 1:What works/ doesn't work in primary prevention
Table 2: Grouping of organisations to engage with
Physical description: 21 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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