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Record ID: 2cbc1a2c-fc6f-4c84-9e7b-dc7f800d0176
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Type: Report
Title: Hospitalised interpersonal violence and perpetrator coding, Australia 2002-05
Authors: Pointer, Sophie
Kreisfeld, Renate
Keywords: Statistics;Health;Sexual assault;Homicide
Year: 2012
Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Notes:  "Cat. no. INJCAT 153"
This report presents data on hospitalisations resulting from interpersonal violence in Australia between 2002-03 and 2004-05. The report provides aggregated data on the type of violence (including sexual assault), the nature of injury, the length of stay in hospital, whether the injury was fatal, the location of the violent incident and the victim-offender relationship.

The report includes separate sections on interpersonal violence against women and interpersonal violence against older people. It notes that between 2002-03 and 2004-05, 60 926 people were hospitalised due to interpersonal violence, of whom around one quarter were female, and that women were most likely to have been hospitalised due to assault by a spouse/domestic partner (40%).
ISBN: 9781742493886
Physical description: 65 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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