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Record ID: 5368fdd0-1771-43fd-92bc-bd4d2c782a96
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Type: Report
Title: The national intimate partner and sexual violence survey: 2010 findings on victimization by sexual orientation
Authors: Walters, Mikel L
Breiding, Matthew J
Chen, Jieru
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Service provision;Sexual assault;Prevention;Statistics
Categories: Statistics
Year: 2013
Publisher: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia
Notes:  This 2013 US report, '2010 Findings on Victimisations by Sexual Orientation', is a subsection of the larger document, 'The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey' (NISVS), conducted in 2010. This smaller document narrows the focus of the study to violence by diverse sexual orientations. It identifies the lack of data on the pervasiveness of various types of violence among gay men, lesbians and bisexual people in the US. Findings from the survey relate to sexual violence, characteristics of perpetrators (including their gender) and the impacts of intimate partner violence. Immediate prevention strategies are put forward including improving 'access to protection, services and resources' and 'strong data systems for monitoring and evaluation'.

The NISVS continues to collect data from people self-identifying as gay, lesbian or bisexual about their experiences of sexual violence and stalking.
Physical description: 48 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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