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Record ID: ccdcb581-02e2-49c8-b40e-6b8d918a218a
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Type: Report
Title: Economic abuse : searching for solutions
Authors: McGuire, Magdalena
Corrie, Tanya
Keywords: Early intervention;Overview;Advocacy;Prevention;Community education;Financial abuse
Year: 2013
Publisher: Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service and Kildonan UnitingCare, North Collingwood
Notes:  "A Spotlight on Economic Abuse Research Report"
Arising from their recognition that economic abuse was a prime motivating factor in their clients' need for their services, Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service and Kildonan
The Project seeks to characterise the issue of economic abuse in Australia in order to promote prevention, early intervention and lessening of economic abuse to government, business and the community service sectors.

This report presents 19 recommendations for action; they are the result of cross-sectoral consultations held to evaluate people's knowledge about the problem and to educate professionals about the issues surrounding economic abuse. Findings from the various forums and workshops are summarised and appendices are included which contain feedback forms and responses from these consultations.
Physical description: 77 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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