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Record ID: 9a59bf93-472d-4243-a6cb-191b363b69ee
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Type: Report
Title: IDVA Insights into domestic violence prosecutions : data from the CAADA Insights service January to December 2011 : executive summary
Authors: Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Violence
Keywords: Policing;Criminal justice responses;Perpetrators
Year: 2012
Publisher: Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Violence, Bristol
Notes:  This UK study, conducted by Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse (CAADA), examines the outcomes for 2671 victims of domestic abuse supported during 2011. The study found that the proportion of victims experiencing a cessation of abuse at the point of exit from the IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advisors) service increases at each stage of the criminal justice process. The most significant cessation of abuse is for those victims where the perpetrator had been charged with an offence, following a report to the police.
Physical description: 18 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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