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Record ID: ac28c58d-ffad-480e-bd44-94ceadf0393a
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Type: Report
Title: Women's views : moving forward on mandatory reporting of domestic and family violence in the Northern Territory
Authors: West, Deborah
Keywords: Policing;Legislation analysis;Policy
Year: 2011
Publisher: Charles Darwin University
Notes:  The project was funded by the Northern Territory Innovation and Research Council. Dawn House Women’s Shelter and the NT Women’s Shelter Network were involved in the project.
This report presents the findings of a study that explored the impact of the 2009 legislative changes establishing mandatory reporting of domestic violence on service provision and women and children’s safety in the Northern Territory. The report includes a literature review which found no examples of the mandatory reporting model implemented in the Northern Territory. This is followed by an overview of the quantitative and qualitative methodology which included an online survey of workers and interviews with service managers. The findings from the study examined women’s awareness of the legislation, understanding among the broader community, impact on women and children’s safety, and impact on the therapeutic relationship between worker and victim. The discussion and conclusion consider suggestions for future work and linking the legislation with a better resourced system.
ISBN: 9781921576492
Physical description: 60 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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