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Record ID: c9dc4134-7310-422e-bb8c-bc2cb5475087
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Type: Report
Title: “Getting away with it” : a strategic overview of domestic violence sexual assault and ‘serious’ incident analyses
Authors: Richards, Laura
Keywords: Criminal justice responses;Perpetrators;Sexual assault;Statistics;Homicide
Year: 2004
Publisher: Metropolitan Police Service
Notes:  "MPS Risk Assessment Model for Domestic Violence Cases"
This report presents findings from a UK study that examined police data comparing domestic violence related sexual offences with other serious offences related to domestic violence. The study also considered perpetrator profiles, case studies and a review of 30 homicides.
Contents:  1. Caveats
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. Emerging Findings from the Domestic Violence Sexual Offences Analysis
5. Emerging Findings from the Domestic Violence Serious Offences Analysis 19
6. Victims
7. Case Studies
8. Recommendations
9. Conclusion
10. Appendices
Appendix I: MPS Risk Assessment Model
Appendix II: High Risk Factors
Appendix III: Tactical Menu of Intervention Options for Domestic Violence Victims and Offenders
Appendix IV: Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Case Studies
Appendix V: Domestic Violence Serious Assault Case Studies
and Appendix VI: Glossary of Terms
Physical description: 113 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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