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Record ID: 043ab029-7bda-4807-b267-333dd225d827
Web resource:
Type: Report
Title: Tackling violence against women : a cross-government narrative
Authors: Government Equalities Office
Keywords: Policy;Overview;Community development;Cross-cultural
Year: 2008
Publisher: Government Equalities Office
Notes:  Overview: In this report, the British Government Equalities Office documents the range of government activities to address all forms of gender based violence for the period between May 2007 and April 2008.

The initiatives implemented by government agencies include: the funding of rape crisis centres; the training of specialist domestic violence prosecutors and Specialist Domestic Violence Courts. The work undertaken has also resulted in various changes being made to federal law, so that victims may be more empowered to report instances of violence to the police and gain a conviction in court. The report concludes with some key initiatives which are in the process of being developed and introduced.
Physical description: 44 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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